My favourite subject!

My favourite subject is the elective Zootechnic of exotic species, because they teach us about different species of exotic animals (reptiles, rodents, fish, and others), the behaviour of these animals, their diseases, race, and how to take care of them. Especially I love that they teach us about conservation of wild animals in zoos. One of the main reasons why this subject is my favourite, is because we learn about

species that are not taken into account in the compulsory subjects, but I think it is very important for a veterinarian to know about them. Besides that. I really love wild animals, and conservation in zoos like BuinZoo and in this elective they have taught us a little about the behaviour, treatments and how to work with these animal in the zoo. The objectives to be met in zoos is not only as a place of recreation for people but they also must be educational and promote the conservation of endangered species.

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Dian Fossey, gorrilla conservation*

Dian Fossey was a american scientific and the gorrilla's conservation most important in the world. She was born in San Francisco in 1932. Dian always wanted to study the gorrillas, this dream she realize to travel to Africa. The anthropologist Louis Leakey taught about these animals. Daian always been a shy woman of strong character. In 1967 she traveled to Zaire to study the behavior of gorillas, without having much knowledge of zoology, but much love for nature, especially the gorillas who would become his family. In the mountains of Viruga she founded the Karisoke Research Center. Dian to approach the gorillas she imitated the sounds of these animals and share alike to them.
This important scientific not only studied the gorillas, she also dedicated his life to creating awareness about the hunting of this animals. She chased the gorilla hunters and fight strongly against them. Dian was brutally murdered by these hunters in 1985. Dian left a great message about procteccion and love for animals especially gorillas. Today she is remembered as one of the most important women in the conservation of gorillas and animal protection.

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