About me...

I live in san antonio (region V).Is usual for me have the sea near, for this is a little hard for me accustom to Santiago.
In my blog will publish information, images, web pages, about of animals, its conservation, and other ways to help them. Also I want to publish things than I like me as movie and music =)

I love nature, flowers, roses, trees, the beautiful singing of birds, and the mysterious sound of the sea. I like to see the stars, smell the flowers and play in the rain ...
Painting and music are two arts that I like, although I'm not very good painting or playing musical instruments, but when I have free time drawing and play organ. Since I was a girl small I participated in groups of dance jazz and folklore. I love dancing and have fun, travel with my parents and my friends, shopping, playing sports like karate and now I also love capoeira.
I always wanted to devote my time to them, and share with them and help them. I believe that really can be the best friends of mankind, because selflessly give its affection. Especially passionate me the wildlife and wild, I would like to specialize in these animals when I finish my career. Really love animals and I think its are one of the most beautiful creations in the world.

The things that seem to more simple things are more beautiful…

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